About Our School

Pretoria Preparatory School is a registered independent remedial school in the heart of Brooklyn.  The school has served the greater Pretoria area for almost 50 years.

Our school offers a multidisciplinary  and holistic remedial approach.  Our staff consists of specialist remedial teachers, speech therapists and occupational therapists, as well as a consulting music therapist.  Much attention is paid to producing self-confident, happy learners who give of their best.

Upcoming Events

8 July 2024 - Term 3 starts
22 July - 16 August 2024 - Therapy Annual Assessments
27 August - 30 August 2024​ - Annual Academic Assessments
29 July - 30 August 2024 - FP Continuous Assessment Weeks
3 September - 6 September 2024 IP Class Assessments
2 September 2024 - Spring Day (Wear appropriate Spring civvies)
13 September 2024 - Grade 7 Entrepreneur's Day
18 September 2024 - Science Lab Show
2024 School Calendar